To celebrate the live performance of Timo Räisänen in our garden today we dedicated him, as well as the audience, the brew "Timo - Live i Alafors By".
Today we brewed a collaboration brew together with Mitt Musteri i Borgsjö. The first brew we've made on a wood stove.
Dead Snake Kitchen Brewery 10 years!!!
Our jubilee beer is bottled.
Today we brewed our multiple jubilee beer to celebrate 10 years and batch #100. It's going to be a creamy stout based on our first stout recipe, Black Mamba RIS.
Believe it or not but today two new beers were bottled.
One wit with some additional bitter hoppiness and one wit with elderflowers included in the boiling process.
Today a raspberry vanilla smoothie ale was bottled.
A true carport brew was brewed today - outdoors in our carport.
Finally, after 18 months fermantation three pseudo lamics are bottled.
The last six months we have produced two Pale Ale that includes our own garden hops, two new Helvete and most important one barrel of IPA to celebrate that also the second founder of Dead Snake Kitchen Brewery have reach the magic number of 40.
Well, not much had happen during the last 18 months but finally two new batches were done...and 086 got a suitable name. :-)
Half a year since the latest info but during this silence we have both been resting and brewing. The latest bottled one is the Caribbean Black Mamba RIS that was aged with coconut and rum.
Finally we're back on track again after a way to long unintended break. This will result in several new batches within the next weeks.
Our icebock The Look of Death was bottled.
The four different Helvete fruit beers were bottled.
Today Helvete 3.0 was bottled. Most part of the batch was split in four different secondary fermantations and falvoured with four new flavours: rhubarb/cinnamon, raspberry, elderflower/lemon and cherry.
Today Lower Nineteen was bottled. This brew is a lager but with the same recipe as Upper Twelve. Lately we have also bottled Upper Twelve and Summer Ale so now we think that the summer has a good opportunity to be very nice.
Two American Strong Ales, Ingeborg and Benedictus, were bottled.
The second batch of Black Mamba RIS is botteled. 18-24 months from now we'll know if it is as good as the first batch.
Batch 061 named Carport IPA is ready.
It took us almost a year to register the domain and then another two years to add something more than a static image. But now, just in time for our third anniversary, we have finally (?) uploaded something that at least resembles a website.
During the process of developing the website, we noticed that it was a bit tricky to get the same look and functionality in the most known browsers. In Firefox and Chrome it looked simular, but Internet Explorer needed adaption from time to time. Finally we decided to not care about IE, which means that the webpage can look a bit funny occasionally if you necessarily have to use that particular browser.
Another issue is the low resolution at phones, I-products and obsolete monitors/graphics card but we hope that our page won't cause you too much annoyances no matter of what product you are using.
Dead Snake 3 years old!!!